Nonprofit Services

Self and Guided Assessments

Self-Administered Operational Competency Diagnostic for Nonprofits 
Personalized, Comprehensive Report Including Analysis 
Assessment available in all six areas of best practices with 60 statements in each area. Relevant and affordable for any nonprofit, regardless of size or sector.

Se how you can benefit.

Learn more about improving your operational competence.

Expert Guided Operational Competency Diagnostic for Nonprofits 
Personalized, Comprehensive Report Including Analysis 

Recognized Expert review of report with nonprofit executive team, including prioritization, referrals, and recommendations.

Vetted and Approved Professional Referrals

Recognized Expert Referrals
We vet the best and brightest so you don’t have to
The Capin Center for Nonprofit Excellence provides best practice solutions to nonprofit leaders and their funders through referrals to trustworthy, vetted professionals and expert practitioners, called “Recognized Experts.”  

Recognized Expert Referrals are provided at no cost. Examples of Services offered.

Product and Services Recommendations

Product & Services Recommendations
Best-in-class Resources and Professional Services
The Center offers best practice resources and professional services solutions to nonprofit leaders and their funders through pre-qualified products and services.

Product & Service Recommendations are provided at no cost.