Service Offerings

Help Where You Need It


Use these free and convenient online assessments to measure and improve operational competence.

OpX360 assessments are available for all six areas of nonprofit operations. Each online assessment is based on best practices, with 60 questions in each area. OpX360 is relevant and free for any nonprofit, regardless of size or sector. Learn more >


Free Professional Referrals
Get experienced assistance when you need it.

We offer nonprofits and funders free referrals to pre-qualified Industry Experts who demonstrate excellence, reliability, benevolence, and integrity in their area of specialty. Contact us to get started >


Objective Executive Review and Oversight
Validate your strategies. 

Independent Experts (i.e., specialists, practitioners, and executives) are available for objective review and oversight of projects, portions of projects, or nonprofit organizations, as often as needed.  Learn more >


Fundraising Audit
Seeking a predictable path for consistent revenue growth?

Here’s a simple, cost-effective plan to ensure your development will meet your fundraising goals. Learn more >


Know the best professionals before you need them.

Independent specialists, practitioners, and executives are available for hire to lead a project or assist your existing nonprofit leadership in achieving the goals outlined against predetermined objectives and milestones. Learn more >


Third-Party Monitoring
Be confident that reported progress and outcomes are real.

Independent on-field monitoring and evaluation are available to provide objective third-party program validation against predetermined objectives and milestones to give funders greater confidence and assurance. Learn more >


Partnerships, Alliances, and M&A
Create unprecedented synergies across the nonprofit ecosystem.

The Center combines the most comprehensive Mergers and Acquisitions taxonomy with due diligence to match nonprofits and/or funders for partnerships, alliances, and M&A opportunities. Contact us to get started >


Real-Time Situation Room
Focused and time-sensitive think tank solutions.

A closed-door executive session with hand-selected Center leadership and experts, called by nonprofit or funder management to avert crisis, provide damage control, or seize an opportunity. Contact us to get started >


Other services include:

  • Project Funder Matching Services
  • Executive Job Matching
  • Board Member Matching
  • Affiliated Nonprofit Formation for Businesses and Visa Versa

Please contact us to learn more about these services and how we can assist you.