As part of The Capin Center for Excellence’s commitment to empowering nonprofits, our OpX360 online assessment tool is now available to your organization at no charge.
Businesses Need Nonprofits as Much as Nonprofits Need Businesses
Why Do Businesses Need Nonprofits? Not long along, only a few enlightened businesses actively promoted social issues as part of their marketing and branding. Today, corporate philanthropy and corporate social responsibility are integral parts of almost every serious business plan. Corporate philanthropy used to primarily take the form of a financial contribution and to a … Continue Reading
Do You, Your Board, or Your Funders Struggle with Knowing How Well Your Nonprofit is Actually Performing?
You are not alone. When it comes to getting an objective view of your organization’s operations, most nonprofit executives and board members are too close to judge. One of the hardest parts is determining where the gaps are and what to do about them. Until very recently, the only real option was to have a … Continue Reading
How Your Nonprofit Can Increase Donations by Ignoring Competitive Impulses and Increasing Your Organizational Trustworthiness
Is there competition between nonprofits? Probably, even if it is not head-to-head competition. Here’s why: In short, more nonprofits are seeking funds, less money is being donated, and fewer major donors are redistributing the same amounts of money. The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University reported that 20 million fewer households gave in … Continue Reading
The Good News Is Your Nonprofit Achieved 100% Accuracy on Your Reporting. The Bad News Is You Have Been Measuring the Wrong Things.
Business leader and philanthropist Bill Gates said, “I have been struck again and again by how important measurement is to improving the human condition.” Thought provoking, isn’t it? I wonder what questions the founder of the largest software company and largest private foundation in the world would ask your nonprofit (or the one you fund)? … Continue Reading
What Gets Measured in All Six Areas of Nonprofit Operations Ultimately Determines What Gets Accomplished and How Much Funding You Receive
All nonprofits want to operate effectively and efficiently. Most do not. According to the Harvard Business Review, 94% of all managers assume that they are operating above operational competency. They are not. Given its systemic nature, this must be an extremely difficult problem to solve. It is not. What Gets Measured Gets Managed The complete … Continue Reading